

Colombia in motion 2010 – 2013

The changes in the life of households observed through the Colombian Longitudinal Survey (ELCA) by Universidad de los Andes.


In this book, we present the most important results of ELCA’s second wave applied in 2013. We show the dynamics that experience the households in income, labor market, consumption, shocks and its response mechanisms, changes in education, health, etc. Also, we show the main results of ELCA’s new modules which are innovative: politics and youths. With this book, we seek to provide information that allows a better design and evaluation of public policies, and are useful to analyze the impact of those politics on households’ well-being.

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Colombian Longitudinal Survey (ELCA) by Universidad de los Andes, 2010-2013.

The dynamics of Colombian households.

Vulnerability to shocks and response mechanisms.

Colombian households’ poverty conditions and access to social programs

Children and youth in Colombia: Their evolution through the 2010-2013 period

Colombian politics in the light of ELCA: Between disinterest and clientelism

Participation and aid in Colombia: Social organizations and prosocial behavior through the lens of ELCA

What happened in the rural áreas between 2010 and 2013: Contribution to land access, negative shocks and state programs geared towards the well-being of rural households

Changes in time use in rural households